An exciting new branch of The Chalky Teeth Campaign and its WFCT Network, WFCT Specialist Practices is a collaboration between specialist dental practices and D3G that aims to:
- (1) help the public find specialist practices with extra-strong interests in chalky teeth problems and so learn the latest scientifically-based information about chalky teeth (D3s);
- (2) enable WFCTers to keep up-to-date with "everything D3" and support D3G's mission for research and education.
To accomplish this aim, WFCT Specialist Practices will:
- > communicate with you using D3G's simple 'Chalky Teeth Lingo' (see Speak Chalky Teeth)
- > give your child a special 'Chalky Teeth Check-up' and happily discuss chalky teeth with you
- > work with you and others to optimise dental care and affordability
- > make Sam's Storybook and other D3G educational materials freely available to you
- > guide you to extra learning via the Chalky Teeth Campaign "satellite page" on their websites
- > keep up-to-date and support chalky teeth research & education through WFCT membership
- > join other WFCT network members as "champions in the fight against chalky teeth"
WFCT Specialist Practices can be recognised by their distinctive 'We Fight Chalky Teeth' website logo and also through checking the official listing below. To help you learn more about chalky teeth, these practices have a special "chalky teeth page" that outlines the basics and helps you find extra information as needs be.
If you think your specialist dentist should be on this list, please let them and/or us know (email: d3-sam@thed3group.org).

We gratefully acknowledge our special family of WFCT Specialist Practitioners for their support and companionship. Although they must pass a test we set each year, D3G does not endorse or otherwise recommend them over and above other practices with equivalent specialist registration.
Supporting Practice | Speciality | Since | Location |
TassieKids Dentistry | Paediatric Dentistry | 2016 | Hobart, AUS |
Kew Paediatric Group | Paediatric Dentistry | 2017 | Melbourne, AUS |
Riversdale Orthodontics | Orthodontics | 2017 | Melbourne, AUS |
Kidz-Teeth | Paediatric Dentistry | 2017 | Auckland, NZ |
Specialist Paediatric DP | Paediatric Dentistry | 2018 | Sydney, AUS |
Medland Orthodontics | Orthodontics | 2018 | Benowa, AUS |
L&L Orthodontics | Orthodontics | 2018 | Melbourne, AUS |
KidsSmile Paediatric Dentistry | Paediatric Dentistry | 2018 | Newcastle, AUS |
Dr Caroline Chung SPD | Paediatric Dentistry | 2018 | Sydney, AUS |
Sunshine Coast PD | Paediatric Dentistry | 2018 | Maroochydore, AUS |
iKids Paediatric Dental Care | Paediatric Dentistry | 2019 | North Fremantle, AUS |
iOrtho Ilam Orthodontics | Orthodontics | 2019 | Christchurch, NZ |
Kids Chompers | Paediatric Dentistry | 2019 | Sydney, AUS |
Kids Dental Sydney | Paediatric Dentistry | 2019 | Sydney, AUS |
Hamilton Orthodontics | Orthodontics | 2019 | Hamilton, NZ |
Plympton Paediatric Dentistry | Paediatric Dentistry | 2020 | Adelaide, AUS |
North Lakes Paediatric Dentistry | Paediatric Dentistry | 2021 | Brisbane, AUS |
Totara Orthodontists | Orthodontics | 2023 | Auckland, NZ |
Corinna St Orthodontics | Orthodontics | 2023 | Canberra, AUS |
Donna Batchelor Orthodontist | Orthodontics | 2023 | Christchurch, NZ |
Besides helping their patients benefit from the latest D3 research and education, WFCT Specialist Practices support D3G’s social-good mission financially. Recent D3G projects backed by this initiative include world-first international gatherings about Chalky Teeth, and publication plus media promotion of a 100-year research breakthrough about Chalky Enamel.
Being at a formative stage, this initiative is currently restricted to specialist dental practices in Australia and New Zealand only. We hope that, once the specialist network has consolidated, the WFCT initiative will diversify to include other branches of the D3 family, both locally and abroad. Indeed, an exciting partner venture for organisations is underway thanks to the forward-thinking orthodontists in Australia and New Zealand – see WFCT Supporting Organisations.
For more information, please contact: d3-sam@thed3group.org
"We Fight Chalky Teeth", "I Fight Chalky Teeth", "Champions in the fight against chalky teeth", "Support the fight against chalky teeth", "Speak Chalky Teeth", "Chalky Teeth Lingo", "Chalky Teeth Check-up" and "Chalky Teeth Check" are copyrights of The D3 Group. All rights reserved. 2024-