'Healthier Babies = Stronger Teeth'
(And Happier Societies)
Many parents ask us if they can do anything to prevent chalky teeth through caring for baby's or mother's health? The scientific answer is yes, we do know some things that help, but more research is required before concrete answers can be given for the biggest problem of this type – so-called "chalky molars".
About 1-in-5 children worldwide have chalky baby ('2-year') or adult ('6-year') molars, and a quarter of them have their adult front teeth disrupted also. Many are at 10-fold higher risk for an unusually rapid type of tooth decay which, together with other issues (e.g. toothache, bullying over appearance, repeated dental fillings, extractions under general anaesthetic, need for orthodontics, missed schooling), can pose massive costs at individual, family, taxpayer and society levels.
'The HB=ST Project'

The 'Healthier Babies = Stronger Teeth Project' (HB=ST) seeks to (1) undertake medico-dental research aimed at preventing chalky molars and other D3s, and (2) educate about child and maternal health matters currently known to influence the development of chalky teeth. Ultimately, such preventive research and education initiatives stand to have a global impact by converting medical interventions ("healthier babies") into fewer chalky teeth ("stronger teeth"). Consequent alleviation of a severe type of childhood tooth decay that today is mostly unpreventable will be a wonderful outcome for humanity ("happier societies").
But we need funding to do so. Should you like to support this social cause, either by private donation or corporate sponsorship2, then please email us and/or donate as described here.
'HB=ST Research'
'HB=ST Education'
The above two pictures are from "Sam's Story" (see here)
PS – dare we ask?
If something sufficiently bad is happening in a baby to damage its developing molar teeth to the extent pictured (learn more), what other tissues and organs might also be under threat? It seems these early developmental injuries show up years later as chalky teeth because the latter's high mineral content (relative to soft tissues) serves as a "fossil record" of baby's bygone "sick days". Rest assured there's no burning reason for parental concern here – clearly, most kids with chalky molars grow up having no other obvious abnormalities. But we think the medical possibility of wider damage – both unseen and unknown, as in the metaphorical "tip of the iceberg" – provides a great reason for undertaking medico-dental investigations with paediatric safety in mind.

1. Research studies from around the world show that anywhere from 1-in-5 to more than 1-in-2 kids have at least one chalky tooth
2. For example organisations & companies serving within the parenting/medical/dental/pharmacy sphere
"Healthier Babies=Stronger Teeth (and Happier Societies)", "Preventing chalky teeth through improved child and maternal health", and corresponding logo are copyrights of The D3 Group. All rights reserved.